This is a new European Citizens' Initiative that asking the Commission, to encourage cooperation between the Member States (according to Art 156 TFEU) aiming to explore the Unconditional Basic Income (UBI) as a tool to improve their respective social security systems.
The Unconditional Basic Income (UBI) does not replace the welfare state but
does complete and transform the same from a compensatory into an
emancipatory welfare state. The emancipatory Unconditional Basic Income is defined by the following four
criteria: universal, individual, unconditional, high enough to ensure an
existence in dignity and participation in society.
In the long run the objective is to offer to each person in the EU the unconditional right as an individual, to having his/her material needs met to ensure a life of dignity as stated by the EU treaties, and to empower participation in society supported by the introduction of the UBI.
In the short term, initiatives such as “pilot‐studies“ (Art 156 TFEU) and examination of different models of UBI (EP resolution 2010/2039(INI) §44) should be promoted by the EU.